
As the author/administrator of this blog I acknowledge Pope Francis and all the post-Vatican II popes as the valid successors of St. Peter, and submit in a true spirit of obedience to their spiritual authority. I also declare that the opinions expressed herein are my own. (Excepting comments contributed by others, which I may not necessarily agree with.) While I do apply the highest intellectual standards regarding fact and documentation, I do not pretend to have any magisterial authority. I have neither the right nor the authority to speak on behalf of the Church. Excepting official sources quoted, linked or otherwise referenced, this blog carries no doctrinal or dogmatic weight and should never be treated by anyone as if it did.

Let sedevacantists and “progressives” alike take fair warning: I do not subscribe to your point of view and I will not promote it. My blog will not be turned into a pulpit for heresy. You are welcome to participate, but I will censor any comment that I deem offensive and/or heretical. If I have to remove your comments frequently, you will be considered persona non grata and you will not be allowed to comment here. In that same spirit, "troll comments" of any sort will be removed as soon as they are discovered.

Non-Catholics are welcome; trolls are not. If you are one of those annoying online evangelicals who takes perverse delight in posting your heretical message on Catholic blogs in a Mephistophelian attempt to "stir the pot" you will be censored. Likewise with atheists, satanists, neo-pagans, Muslims, observant Jews and so forth. Dialogue and debate is one thing; deliberate disrespect another.

Finally, a word to neo-Catholics. In light of recent highly visible controversies involving certain well-known franchises of Catholic apologists and popular internet personalities, I think I need to point out that Catholic Traditionalists have come to that point of view for a reason. Most of us (I say most because sedevacantists call themselves Traditionalists, too) acknowledge the Pope's validity and submit to his spiritual authority. However, sometimes we find ourselves in the unpleasant position of having to point out that not even the Pope can do things that diminish or damage the Deposit of Faith with which he has been entrusted. This is neither "radical" nor "crypto-Protestant," when done in the proper spirit out of love for the Faith. The Second Vatican Council raised some very troubling questions. Many of these have yet to be resolved. If all you can do is bellow "Get back in line and pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!" then I suggest you stick to your own echo chamber of blogs and websites. Casually tossing around words like "schismatic" solves nothing and helps no one. Please don't make me censor you.